Survey Plan

A Survey Plan contains one or more Survey Steps, which are used to create one or more Passes.

Survey Step

A Survey Step references one Pass Plan, and provides additional parameters such as Repeat and Special Requirements.

Figure of the Survey Plan in APT

The Survey Steps are shown in a field in on the Survey Plan form editor for demonstration program 960. 

Row Number

Row Number #(Pass#) - A sequential number for the Survey Step (assigned by APT). When APT Parameter Field REPEAT is used, the (Pass#) part of the Row Number expands to show the range of assigned pass numbers (example: The third row with APT Parameter Field REPEAT = 5 might be shown as 3 (7-11).

Pass Plan

APT Parameter Field PASS PLAN - Select a Pass Plan from the program to be included in the Survey Plan (required). 


APT Parameter Field REPEAT - Enter the number of repeated passes for this Survey Step (not required). The range is APT Range Field 1-250 and each Pass is assigned a pass number (see Row Number).  A APT Parameter Field Repeat of 1 is only 1 total execution of the Pass.

Number of Visits

Number of Visits - Tally of the number of visits for this Survey Step. The sum is automatically calculated and is not editable.

Special Requirements 

Special Requirements - Indicates how many Special Requirements have been applied to this Survey Step. The details of the user-defined Special Requirements for the selected Survey Step are are listed in the Special Requirements box. 

Total Visits

Total Visits - Total number of visits required to complete the Survey Plan. The number is automatically calculated by summing the number of visits for all Survey Steps. (Not editable.)

Generate Execution Plan

Click the "Generate Execution Plan" button to generate an Execution Plan.

Special Requirements for <selected Survey Step> 

It lists all user-defined Special Requirements for the selected Survey Step. To add a new Special Requirement to a Survey Step, first select a Survey Step, then click Add. A drop-down menu appears with three options: APT Parameter Field BETWEEN , APT Parameter Field ORIENT RANGE , and APT Parameter Field NON-INTERRUPTABLE PASSES . A pop-up window will appear when one of the options APT Parameter Field BETWEEN or APT Parameter Field ORIENT RANGE are selected, allowing the user to define appropriate range values.

For additional questions not answered in this article, please contact the Roman Help Desk at STScI.

Latest Update


Added a figure to demonstrate the APT view of a Survey Plan. 


Initial publication of the article.