Future Developments for Roman APT

The Roman APT is still under development and will continue to add features and improvements. This is a non-comprehensive list of planned development that might be of interest to Roman APT users. APT version 2024.2 is the most current release that has Roman features enabled.

Table of Roman APT Planned Development 

Type of DevelopmentAPT Version if applicableAvailable details of the plans
Improve timing models
This change will employ more accurate observation overheads and slew timing models to give better estimates of the time required by a Roman observation or survey.
Design Demonstration ProgramsThe first Demonstration Program (960) will be available in APT 2023.8A number of demonstration programs will be added to the Roman APT menu to help illustrate how APT can be used, similar to those provided for the JWST Mission. 
Improved visualization within APT
Adding capabilities to visualize the Wide Field Instrument footprint and the impact of choices regarding Dither Patterns, Mosaic Patterns, and Segments using Aladin.
Improvements to Region Target specification

Other features and possible development will be added to this table as the Roman Mission evolves. 

For additional questions not answered in this article, please contact the Roman Help Desk at STScI.

Latest Update


Planned Development Table was updated with latest information.


Initial publication of the article.