Welcome to the home for Roman Documentation: RDox!
Documentation for the Roman Space Telescope is undergoing active development and subject to change. Updates and new materials are published multiple times a year and strive to provide users with the most accurate information available. Please contact us if you have any additional questions not answered by the existing RDox articles.
Roman at STScI
Roman at IPAC
STScI is home for the Science Operations Center (SOC) - responsibilities of the SOC include (but are not limited to):
- Planning and scheduling of all mission observations, documented in the Roman APT User Guide
- Data processing of imaging data and creation of high level data products, documented in the Data Handbook
- Support for the Wide Field Instrument - Imaging mode, documented in the WFI Imaging Mode User Guide
- Archive of all mission observations
- AWS-based Science Platform for use by the scientific community
IPAC is the Science Support Center (SSC) - responsibilities of the SSC include (but are not limited to):
- Proposal ingest and review
- Grants administration
- Coronagraph Instrument support
- Support for the Wide Field Instrument - Spectroscopic mode
- Extraction and calibration of spectroscopic data
Resources in RDox:
For additional questions not answered in this article, please contact the Roman Help Desk at STScI.